• First Aid Kit: A great first aid kit should contain everything you need to clean and dress a wound. This should include things like bandages, gauze, medical tape and Bactine.
• Band-Aids: Obviously if you get a cut or minor injury, having Band-Aids on hand is ideal.
• Pain relievers: Over-the-counter medications for pain are essential. If you have a serious injury, they can relieve pain. If you have a dull headache, they could make that headache disappear. You never know when you’re going to be in pain and having medication for headaches, achy muscles or sunburns can help you find relief.
• Tweezers: Tweezers are so tiny, you may find them insignificant. But in reality, they can do a lot of little jobs that are necessary, such as removing annoying, painful splinters.
• Cough syrup and cough drops: When winter comes, you’ll be grateful that you thought to put these items in your cabinet. The syrup helps alleviate awful coughs and colds. The cough drops can ease discomfort caused by coughing.
• Sunscreen/sunburn relief: You’ll need all the protection you can get when you’re enjoying the hot, sunny, summer months. You can avoid painful sunburns by applying a high SPF sunscreen. In case you do get sunburn however, you’ll want a reliever, like Aloe Vera to relieve and pain.
• Ace bandages/wraps: If you trip and hurt your ankle, or twist your wrist just right, you’ll want an ace bandage to help steady your injured area.
• Thermometer: The flu and random viruses strike with no warning, leaving us tired and ill. Having a thermometer on hand can allow you to gauge your illness and know when you should go to the doctor or hospital.
• Antihistamine/Hydrocortisone cream: These creams can relieve itching. The Antihistamine relieves skin irritation caused by allergies and the Hydrocortisone cream relieves persistent itching. Both are ideal to have.
• Antacids: Some people have reoccurring digestive issues, but on occasion, even those who never seem to have problems may suffer from acid reflux or heartburn. Having an antacid, in liquid or tablet form can help alleviate those issues.
• Hydrogen peroxide/rubbing alcohol: Both of these are must-haves, especially when cleaning a wound. Not only will they save you from infection, they also have many other uses around the house.
If you’re a parent, there are things you may want to add to the list for the use of children:
• Benadryl (or other allergy medicine): Many children suffer from allergies and this is ideal to have, whether it’s an allergy to cats/dogs or indoor/outdoor allergies.
• Children’s cough syrup/cold medicine: Children are miserable when they don’t feel well. Making sure you have something to treat common colds will help them feel better, quicker.
• Orajel (infant/child): Nothing is worse than a teething child! Orajel can help numb the pain caused by a tooth coming in or minor tooth problems.
• Activated charcoal: This one sounds strange, but if your child suffers from an accidental poisoning, Poison Control may recommend that you give this to your child.
There may be other things you need, depending on your personal preferences, illnesses, or past problems. With all these items in your medicine cabinet, you’ll be ready for anything!